Slow living


As I browse through Pinterest I often come across posts that are talking about Slow living and I am curious to what Slow living actually is.

According to Wikipedia: Slow living is a lifestyle which encourages a slower approach to aspects of everyday life, involving completing tasks at a leisurely pace.

Let’s unpack this together and see if I understand this correctly. Slow living is taking a slower pace in our daily lives, whether it has to do with tasks, eating, or just living in general. It is about being more mindful in our choices and decision making, as well as finding balance to no feel the need to fill every moment with an activity. Slow living is about prioritizing spending the right amount of time on the things that matter most to you.

I can see the appeal of slow living, today’s world is so busy and even I feel like it is a constant go go go. I often say I miss German Sundays. Since everything is closed on Sunday you get the chance to pull back, take care of yourself, relax and spend time out in nature. It was always a nice way to end the week, since moving to the US I have missed that feeling and I am wondering if slow living can bring this back. Taking a step back and really think about the things that matter to you and do activities that are important to you seem all so important. Shouldn’t we fill our lives with the things that bring us joy? Should we not Marie Kondo our life a little bit? Spending more time in nature is also on the list which I have to do more to be quite honest. I just don’t do well with the heat so I usually spend my summers inside and that can get gloomy pretty quickly. It seems that a lot of it is mostly being more mindful and cutting out unnecessary things. I wonder if spending more quality time with your loved ones is part of this as well.  

I find the idea of Slow living extremely interesting and would love to hear your thoughts on it as well. If I didn’t understand it correctly, please let me know, that way I understand it better. Thank you.



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