How to stay on track with goals and resolutions
We are in the midst of January and a lot of people set up
resolutions for the new year. While I don’t necessarily have resolutions, I do
have goals. How can we keep up with the goals and resolutions?
One of the things that is really important to succeed with
goals and resolutions is to make them a habit. Such as working out for example.
The more often you do it the easier it becomes.
Being patient is also incredibly important, nothing suddenly
happens over night same with establishing habits, it will take some time and
you will forget to do them but that is okay just try again.
Set yourself a schedule when you would like to perform your
resolution/goal. Again working out is the best example here. If you set your
schedule you are more likely to create a habit and are more likely to stick to
doing it.
Track your progress. There are many apps out there where you
can track progress, whether it is working out, studying or other things. There
are plenty of cute options as well just like for mood trackers. Again, don’t
get discouraged if you miss a day, it is okay. Don’t let it get you down just
restart the next day.
Make things easier to start. Working out for an example,
have your workout clothes prepped and ready to go so you don’t have to dig
through your closet to find something to wear when it is time to get started.
My art supplies for example, I have sitting right next to my desk because the
act of trying to get everything out usually discourages me to even start.
One of the most important things is make it enjoyable! Try
making your resolution fun. Listen to music while working out or drawing, even
while learning a new language you can keep a soft volume to listen to some
tunes as long as they aren’t distracting of course.
There are so many ways to help you stick to your resolutions and goals. Making them into habits is the most important thing. Once they have become a routine you are less likely to stray from them. I really hope this helps some of you to get a new perspective on how to stick to your resolutions and goals.
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