February Bucket list

 February’s Bucket list is all themed after Valentine’s Day 😊 Show others and most importantly yourself, some love this month. While I believe we should show love all year round, I don’t mind going the extra mile in February and doing it even more.

Have a box of chocolates

Whether you get one gifted or buy it yourself, have at it. It doesn’t hurt to treat yourself and sometimes we all just need some good chocolate.

Take a picture with a loved one

I am really bad at taking pictures with my loved ones, I am good at taking pictures of them but not with me in it. (I hate pictures ha ha) so I will make an effort to take a picture with my loves and actually be in it.

Buy yourself or a loved one flowers

Sometimes we just need to buy ourselves flowers instead of waiting for someone else to do it for us. So, take it into your own hands and buy yourself those flowers, you deserve it. You can also be the one gifting the flowers to someone, putting a smile on someone’s face is priceless.

Have breakfast in bed

Once in a while it doesn’t hurt to have breakfast in bed just watch out that your pet isn’t stealing the food 😉

Catch up with an old friend

It is easy to let life get in the way and tell yourself oh I do it tomorrow and tomorrow comes and we still don’t contact people because other things come up. Try making a conscious effort to reach out to an old friend and catch up. Show them some love.

Take yourself out to dinner

I am starting this to spend more time with myself and show myself some love. Take yourself out to dinner, it may be awkward in the beginning, but it will get easier over time. Self-love is important for us to be the best we can be. How can we love others when our tank is empty?

Write down 10 things you love about yourself

Self-love and self-appreciation exercise. Find 10 things you love about yourself and if you are like me and think there isn’t anything I like or love think harder ha ha I bet there are things that you love about yourself you just really need to sit with yourself and think about it. It’s not an easy exercise for all but it will be worth it. In addition, you could do this for your kiddos as well. Tell them 10 things you love about them 😊

Here are just some ideas on what to do in the month of Love. Do you have any other suggestions on what could go on the February Bucket list? I’d love to hear your ideas!






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