January Goals Hit or Miss?

 Now that January is coming to an end we can take a look at the goals we had and see if we were able to achieve them or not.

I didn’t necessarily have goals that were just for January but more for the year as a whole. I wanted to overcome my art block and some of the suggestions were to do something creative every day and I have technically failed at this. But I don’t see it as a failure, I just keep trying.

I haven’t done my daily drawings BUT I have been doing my stretches and my small workouts every day so far and that I am incredibly proud of. Because even though there were days when I didn’t want to stretch and I just wanted to be lazy, I still did my stretches. *EDIT* Shortly after I wrote this post, I hurt myself by overdoing the workouts and have to take a break from them to let my back heal. I forget that I have an injured back and act like nothing is wrong which often leads me to overdoing it and then regretting it.

Now art wise like I said I didn’t do my daily drawings, but I have been painting more with my kiddo. We just set up on our kitchen table each of us a canvas in hand and we paint. I try to use some new techniques I saw on those Pinterest drawing videos but let me tell you, those look way easier than done. So, I have some failed attempts but again that is totally okay.

While January was more a hit and miss, let’s see how February is going to go and I hope I don’t have unexpected things happen like I did in January, this way I can focus more on drawing. How about you?? Did you achieve the goals you set yourself for January or were there some misses?? Remember it is okay to try again! 


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