February Goals : Hit or Miss?


How was your February when it comes to your goals? Did you achieve them or did things get in the way of your goals?

Surprisingly I would say that in February I managed to get close to my goal as possible. I drew or sketched almost every day. I started to do some Anatomy studies to further my art and started to learn composition with shapes which previously I haven’t done.

I am really happy with the progress and while it wasn’t every single day it was still more days I did it than days I didn’t and to me that is a major achievement.

Now when it comes to working out, I slacked a lot. After I hurt myself and took the break I just never got back into it. Granted a lot is weighing on my mind right now so working out hasn’t really been my top priority but that is okay. However, my husband and I have started to go on daily walks and that I count as a win, my steps have been over 10000 daily and I am really happy about that.  

Remember that it is okay if you have to restart. Pushing yourself is okay to achieve your goals but forcing yourself doesn’t do you any good. While a lot of goals like working out can seem no fun, if you are doing it because you want to you will have way more fun rather than when you force yourself to do it. And I understand that sometimes we have to force ourselves BUT don’t do it too often, give yourself a little push instead, give yourself a little reward after you complete one of your goals.

We have 10 more months to achieve our goals. Take it easy and take it day by day!



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