A little Life Update

 You could probably tell that a lot of my posts have been about self-love, changing your mood for the better and other more self-care type of content. Why you may wonder.

Well lately I have had to do a lot of running around and my anxiety has been high. I’ve been looking for ways to calm myself down, so the stress won’t get to me so much.

A little life update.

Last year my kiddo started to get a lot of joint pains, our doctor referred her to physical therapy which made everything absolutely worse. After taking a break from it we saw a little bit of recovery, however the pain came back. Early this year her doctor referred her to an Orthopedic doctor so they could see what was going on. At first everything looked fine, and he wasn’t sure what was going on. He hesitantly suggested that he could do some blood work which I was all for and requested him to order the bloodwork.

Now a month later we finally have the results, and it looks like my kiddo has Rheumatoid arthritis and or a connective tissue disease. Which honestly was both a relieve and a shock. Relieved because we finally have some answers but a shock because she is still so incredibly young to have Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Needless to say, the Orthopedic doctor wants her to see a rheumatologist, now the fun part, there are none who take children in my area, so we will have to go to the big Children’s hospital an hour or so away. As I am writing this, I finally got the chance to sit down and drink some coffee. Kiddo and I spend the morning going around to her doctors to make sure the Children’s Hospital gets copies of all the Lab work, X rays and a referral. Because without those I won’t even be able to make an appointment.

This is where we are at. Now to wait until the hospital gets all the reports so I can make an appointment. But this is where my stress recently is coming from. Worrying about my child and what is going on with her.

There have been days where we felt defeated because it felt like the doctors just aren’t listening and I am glad we pushed for the blood work. Without the blood work we would still be sitting in the dark wondering why she has trouble walking and can’t write without pain.

It has taken up a big chunk of my time so I thought I would update you all. Please wish us luck and send good vibes. 


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