Comfort Movies


I am going to be outing myself here and tell you all that Twilight is indeed my comfort movie. Twilight isn’t a theatrical masterpiece no it is honestly kind of cringe, and I do cringe a little while watching it but somehow it is also comforting. I don’t know if it is a millennial thing, or this is something for all generations.

Twilight to me is nostalgia. I started reading the Twilight series in Korea while my daughter was still a newborn. Being super excited that they were making the books into movies, you simply look forward to it especially if you are a fan of the books. Just to be disappointed by the movies because they are nowhere near close to what you saw in your head while you were reading the books.

Still to this day when I get bored, I put on Twilight in the background as background noise. But why is it that we choose “bad” movies to be our comfort movies? (Not saying Twilight is necessarily bad because man those wolves look incredible) Is it because they are predictable? Is it because we can laugh at the flaws those movies have and turn them into our joy? Could it be that these movies don’t overload our brain, and we get to relax while watching them? I find it quite curious.

A movie that isn’t the greatest by far and even on IMDb it only has 2 out of 5 stars is C.H.U.D II: Bud the C.H.U.D. It’s a movie from 1989 about a Zombie that is being stolen by teenagers who accidentally reawaken him and he escapes creating more “C.H.U.D.s”. I don’t even fully remember the plot, or whether or not it was rated for my age, but as a kid that was one of my favorite movies to watch mindlessly. I put the video cassette into the player and just had it on as background noise. I haven’t watched it since DVD’s became popular, but it is simply a movie that will never leave my brain. A comfort movie! Again, it isn’t a masterpiece, but the memory is stuck in my brain or just feeling a sense of comfort. I bet I will think “Oh my god what have I been watching” if I ever rewatch it and want the earth to swallow me whole but still. It is a memory I have that hasn’t left my Swiss cheese brain.

Do you guys have comfort movies. “Bad” movies that you just can’t stop watching?? Do you have movies that have memories attached. I would love to hear from you.



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