5 Things I am Grateful for
Gratitude, what is Gratitude? The Dictionary definition is
noun the quality of being thankful, readiness to show appreciation for and to
return kindness. I think throughout the year we encounter many moments we find
ourselves thankful or should I say Grateful. Today we are looking at 5 things
that I am grateful for this season/year.
I am grateful for my family. Not only the family I came from
but also the family I created. This year was a big year for us, many things
have happened and it made us stronger. I also believe that this year was kind
of a break trough with my dad because I opened up to him about my depression
and anxiety and it made our bind so much stronger and just different but in a
good way. So I am incredibly grateful.
I am grateful for my
friends. I am grateful that I have friends who still love me even though I have
moved 5000 miles away. I am thankful for friends that I have found through
common interests who have made life just so much better. I am grateful I get to
have best friends and to have on very special friend that I am so close to that
we call each other sisters.
The Roof over our head
Yes, I am grateful
for the roof over my head. Due to all the hurricanes, we had this year so many
families are still displaced and lost their homes. So I am grateful we made it
through the hurricane season without major damage.
I am grateful that I have the time and the ability to
homeschool. We are now on year 5 and I don’t regret ever taking my kiddo out of
public school. It’s not always easy but it is so worth it.
Yes, I am thankful
for my dog. This little bugger came to us after I lost my previous dog and
without him, I don’t know if I could have worked through my grief. To this day
he can pull me out of bad moods and helps me through my panic attacks. He
learned to lie on me when I have panic attacks which is just wild to me that he
knows just what to do but I am grateful that he is in my life.
With Thanksgiving coming up take a moment and just reflect
on the past year and the things that you are grateful for. You can do this even
if you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving. We should be grateful all throughout the
year but I also believe that sometimes life can get so busy that we forget what
we have and what we can be thankful for. Take a cup of coffee or tea, light a
candle, and just think for a moment, find the things you are grateful for
because I believe that even when you think all is bleak, there is a light
somewhere that helped you get through a tough time that you are grateful for.
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