6 Ways to create a cozy December

With December here and winter nearing, temperatures are already lower and snow has settled in some places, I would say cozy season is in full swing. Here are a few things to do this season to make it extra cozy and fun.

1)      With Thanksgiving being over, Holiday light season has arrived! Now is the time to take the family on a walk through the neighborhood to look at all the holiday decorations neighbors have put up for this year. If you live in an area that is not walkable or homes are simply to spread out you can turn this into a little adventure and drive through neighborhoods. Some homes around my town have lightshows set up and massive displays as well, some homes even sell popcorn during their lightshow times!

2)      One thing that cannot be forgotten when it comes to holiday décor is the Christmas tree. If you live in an area with Christmas tree farms, I suggest going and cutting your own tree down, it will create memories for the whole family. And if you don’t live in an area with Christmas tree farms, going on a drive to a place with Christmas trees can be fun as well hunting for just the right tree.

3)      Next on the agenda, after getting a tree or also getting the plastic one out of storage, is tree decorating! I love to turn on Christmas songs while we decorate the tree, we have done this every year since my daughter was tiny and she asks for it every year still to decorate the tree together with music. It is a simple way of creating memories but it is effective.

4)      Now that it is still early in December it is also Christmas Card writing time. Here again you can turn on some holiday tunes, sip on a cup of cocoa and make this a cozy experience writing cards for your friends and family.

5)      Talking about Cocoa, grab another cup and cozy up in a soft blanket and read a book. If you have a fireplace that would make this whole thing extra cozy and if not, no big deal that’s what Yule log/Fireplace videos on YouTube are for 😊

6)      Holidays are just around the corner now is the time to turn your home into a Holiday Bakery! I didn’t get the baking genes from my family but I still love to bake some yummy cookies and cakes for the season. Here again you can turn on some Holiday tunes or have a Fireplace video playing in the background. If you have kiddos grab them too and have them help, will it be a little bit extra messy? Possibly! But trust me those kiddos will not only have fun but you have just created new memories with them 😊

I hope your December will be extra cozy this year. Try to make memories not just for kids but for yourself as well. Memories aren’t just for kids! 


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